Calling all visionaries and leaders
Without a clear, compelling vision for our future, we will always be pulled back into our limited past. Without a vision that is worthy of our time and energy, we live in a default mode defined by our past history and past limitations.
Thinking from conditions tricks us into believing things that just aren't true.
The masses will always judge you. If you're here to shake things up, the masses will let you know you're wrong. If you're here to speak up about the things that no longer serve, you won't be stoned to death (this time) but you may be ostracized. If you're here to introduce new methodologies that are more efficient ... strangers will come out of the woodwork to tell you that you're nuts.
People love to be right. People love to judge. Let them; it has nothing to do with you. Don't buy into it.
Show them.
As a visionary, you can visualize how humanity is meant to evolve and what insights and talents you're meant to share to help us all get there. How you share these gifts is the conundrum. You'll find yourself constantly challenged to either believe in your vision or acquiesce to conformity, where at least you'll feel safe.
I'm now accepting applications for visionaries and leaders who are ready to step out of limitation and into the work they're here to do on the planet. Be free of all the ways the world still dims your light and potential - and you allow it. Get crystal clear on the vision that is worthy of your life and your attention. Then learn to work with the intelligence of your vision as it guides you to bring your genius and methodology to the world.
American physicist Robert Goddard, inventor of the liquid-fuel rocket and the man after whom NASA's Goddard Space Center is named, was met with widespread ridicule when he first proposed the possibility of rocket-powered space exploration.
As was commonly the case in the scientific communities of the 19th century, Alice Evans's revolutionary work studying pasteurization was largely ignored for no reason other than her gender.
While his influence on and participation in the occult and dark arts may overshadow his more scientifically sound beliefs, 16th-century philosopher and theorist Giordano Bruno had ideas about the nature of the universe that were centuries ahead of his time, and may have been the cause of his death.
Today, Barbara McClintock remains the only woman to be awarded an unshared Nobel Prize in the category of Physiology or Medicine. In the middle of the 20th century, however, McClintock was the laughing stock of the scientific community.
You know who you are.
What I know for certain is that reality is only a mirror for our beliefs. I know from my own life, and from my clients', that the only limitations we experience are completely fabricated and not 'real'. I know that many of you are here to change what the world calls 'normal', and 'this is how we do things'. And I know that this is a lonely path to be on unless someone understands you and helps in maintaining the correct focus that only comes from living FROM our vision.