The secret to a calm and centered mind

If your mind is running wild today with stories that speak to bad news, health issues, guilt or shame, or finances run amuk, you're in the right place.

Years ago, I just wanted someone to fix me.  I wanted someone to do something that would remove me from the sometimes endless chatter in my head of doubt, fear, and anxiety. I did programs, worked with healers, repeated affirmations - and none of it really made much difference.

We empaths are wired a bit differently. We feel the collective as well as our own old, unpleasant memories. Sometimes we don't even realize what's what. Suddenly, we're overwhelmed by emotion and realize we've gone down a rabbit hole that's difficult to come out of.

First of all, breathe.  Three deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth, as if you had a straw in your mouth. This shifts us from the fight, flight, or freeze response to the rest/regenerate/create response to life.

Then decide who you choose to be.  Are you someone for whom everything works out?  Someone for whom finances are easy and money is always drawn to you?  Someone who lifts others by example? Someone who experiences ease? Someone who experiences unconditional love? The loving adult to your inner child?

Who you really are is an extension of Source that just happens to be partially in a body. You are a multi-dimensional being of light, projecting patterns on the screen of time and space. These energetic patterns appear as life situations. Like an actor in a play, your soul chose to experience certain situations and feelings. You're not your circumstances. You're not your feelings. You're the one aware of them all.  And you can choose differently. Like an actor in a play, we choose a new identity that has different attributes, different thoughts, and different choices.

So if your mind is in runaway mode today, realize whatever is coming up is perfectly orchestrated so that you can say, "That's not me."  It creates a new pattern in the brain, and with repetition, the old thoughts no longer exist. Our old reactive patterns arise as long as we engage with them.

If you live as an abundant person, a drop in your bank balance means nothing because you know money loves you. If you live as someone who deeply loves and honors yourself, someone’s negative remarks mean nothing. Whatever is arising now in your life is just asking you to decide who you want to be. And then live as that free, fully loving, fully abundant, deeply purposeful person.

You chose to be partially embodied during the greatest acceleration this planet has ever experienced. You’re on the transition team—the transition from living as an ego that believes it’s powerless and cut off from Source to knowing that your thoughts and beliefs create energetic patterns that result in circumstances on the screen of time and space because you are an extension of Source. As I write today, this Gemini full moon is making our mind-chatter loud, though we get to decide what takes up space in our heads. We get to decide if any anxiety or fear has any real power over us. They don’t!

The willingness to move beyond the mind's patterns of fear is the most courageous part of BE-coming. Your willingness to shine your light for others as you face your own demons takes stamina. Your willingness to offer kindness to others when old patterns can scream, "Are you delusional?" is not for the faint of heart.

You don't need fixing or healing, which implies that Love is conditional. It's not. The wisdom from your past is a valuable experience that, now, can help others. We have free will to decide what we allow to take up space and what we don't. "That's not me!" gives Grace the opportunity to appear in your life and bring in the next perfect thing.

You're here to experience a magnificent life, abundant with all good things. Don't let your mind tell you otherwise.


Why are we so triggered now? And what to do…


Are you working hard, trying to figure out what to do?