What we once perceived as emotional ’triggers’ are actually divine invitations to deeper awakening and transformation. In the space between science and spirit, we discover that our emotions operate like quantum fields of possibility, carrying information that transcends traditional understanding. Just as ancient wisdom traditions have taught, modern quantum theory now confirms that consciousness and emotional states are fundamental forces in creating our reality.

Right now, we are purging the patterns we learned as children and that we inherited from our ancestors … that life isn’t safe, that we are less than, too much or not enough of something. No one taught us that we are sitting in the center of All That Is, choosing what to experience with our awareness and focus. No one taught us that we’re like actors in a play we chose to experience before our physical birth. Now, during this time of awakening, it’s time to create a new role for ourselves and create a different play … one that provides fulfillment and ease, where we are being our authentic selves. Our unique puzzle piece is exactly what the world is calling for.

We’re moving into the time of the Innocent Child, where there is no fear. Where we live as the child who looks at everything with a sense of wonder and curiosity. A new world doesn’t just ‘happen’. We are creating it in every moment. And therefore we must wire in new patterns in the brain and body that keep us reacting to life in the same old ways. Many of us never learned that it was safe to fall into the arms of Love.

The tools I’m offering permanently re-wire the brain and body when intense negative emotions arise, and unstick the reactions that perpetuate negative conditions. When we no longer react, and ask ‘what else is possible here?’, new potentials unfold.

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