Dreambuilder Group Coaching


Create an extraordinary life with the health, loving relationships, amazing work, the projects you create, the time and money freedom of your dreams.

So many empaths learned not to trust others, not to trust life itself, and not to expect assistance from others. We learned to 'make things happen' and decided, 'I'll do it myself'.

We've believed that we're not worthy and that we have to earn money and love.

Infinite Awareness, the Divine, has always existed to make our dreams come true. We've been so hypnotized by our five senses and the illusion of being cut off from Love that we couldn't let it.

When we think we must 'earn' and 'make things happen', we introduce resistance. We put a block in the flow that naturally comes to support and love us.

Love knows exactly the perfect way to make its way to you as you are Present (not worried about the future or pondering the stories of the past). It has the 'how' perfected so we don't get in the way with struggle and figuring it out from the limited perspective of the mind (and logic).

Can you let yourself fall into the arms of Infinite Love? Can you realize that life is meant to be a dance with the Infinite Awareness, and that we are spiritual beings having a human experience?

When we decide to let go of the resistance and let grace have its way with us, everything changes. Life becomes easy, gentle, exciting, and even thrilling. Orchestrations show up as your unique ‘bridge of incidents’ that pull your dream to you. You become the version of you already experiencing your dream with exactly the unkque steps you need. There’s no more struggle. No more second-guessing. No more taking countless programs that promise to solve your problems.

In this 12-week group container geared toward empaths and HSPs, you’ll learn a proven system to create a life you love living. You will learn more about your unique energy processing type because we’re not all the same: how you make decisions, how you best operate in the world, how to view your life through the lens of the soul and the experiences it wants. We address topics particular to empaths and highly sensitive people - those feelings that we are so adept at feeling! Including the feelings that can get in the way of us trusting ourselves. We gather weekly to first, get clear on your dream, then determine if it is worthy of you. Then in weekly live calls, we focus on the steps to re-write the programming that’s automatically creating your life as it is now and create new beliefs that support your dream. You’ll learn to lean into your intuition and take only inspired action. You also learn the true nature of fear and doubt and how to dance with it. As you focus on your vision, the synchronicities begin to show up, and orchestrations our minds could never create also begin. The program is experiential, and with a group of like-hearted people, you’re supported in exponential ways for accelerated results.

Whether your dream is better health, relationships, creating a new home, more abundance, or creating your own heart-based business, you will learn how to dance with creation using universal laws that are always in effect. You become a magnet for our dreams. Others might call it luck. Or coincidence. But you will know you’re utilizing your own six higher senses and have become unflappable no matter what life or circumstances are doing.

I offer the first three steps of my proven program in free virtual and interactive Vision Workshops. You can apply these tools and begin to create results immediately.

You make this expanded state for me a tangible reality that I can work from and I can stay on. Usually what happens is that it’s expansion and contraction and, and most of the time it’s contraction. From the minute you wake up, you feel that you are bombarded by life and all these signals. So you sort of keep small. Since I’ve been working with you, you keep me open and expanded. You are the step for me to my embrace and embody my higher self, my true self.

You don’t even have to do that much. It’s the way you say those things, it’s just like pom pop, pop, pop, pop, pop pa and everything shifts.

When I want to step back and contract, the magic goes away. My soul is saying ‘this is the new operating system’. So if you step back, which is obviously what I do because we all do that, you’re taking away the magic. So that’s what I’m learning. So I’m learning all these things and this has just happened in the last six weeks. And you know, you were there by my side in a way. It’s been amazing
— Donia P.
Your Build Your Dream program has made such a difference as I navigate a traditional business program. It’s helped me watch my old self-sabotaging programming come in, and with your program and the group, I changed the narrative completely! Also, as an empath I’ve never been able to discern my feelings as my own or from others. And now I can. It lets me be more deeply compassionate with my clients, where before I would be intolerant. I’m experiencing all the synchronicities as part of my bridge of incidents, realizing that my vision for my global work is materializing before my eyes!
— Lorna R.

Radical Alignment


Single Session Tune-Up